Top 10 Science Fiction Shows of All Time

June 10, 2010 § 6 Comments

This is my list of the Top 10 Science Fiction Shows of All Time. It is important for you to know that this is my personal list and there are so many to choose from that I am sure you can find substitutes for some of my choices. Feel free to make suggestions!

1. Star Trek (Original) – Even though this only aired from 1966-69 it has a place in every science fiction aficionado’s heart that I have ever met. I particularly love the feeling of the sets and that “old school” look. A lot of people have noted over the years that the acting was not the best it could have been, but I would have to disagree..the acting was part of the whole experience and the sometimes choppy or odd dialog made it seem all the more plausible.

2. Battlestar Galactica – The more recent version of BSG, as it is known, 2004-09 is a must have on any list of sci-fi shows. The actors played their roles very well and left the viewer every single week on the edge of their seats. Their attention to detail, such as the radios and how the static was included in the communications..I mean in other shows the communications are as clear as you really believe out in the vastness of space there would be no static? I will have to say at the end of the series it was beginning to look a lot like a soap opera though.

3. Dr. Who (Original) – This classic sci-fi show lasted from 1963-89, a long time running. The monsters/aliens in Dr. Who were absolutely great, sometimes it was obvious that they wrapped a trashcan in tin foil and put a slinky or two on it’s body to give it a “3-D” look..Hey it was the 60’s, of course they were still using that method in the 80’s, but it made the show special.

4. Star Trek: The Next Generation – Star Trek: TNG ran from 1987-94. I enjoyed the cast of this show as a whole more than any other. They matured over the course of series and meshed so well everything seemed to go seamlessly no matter what situation they were in.

5. Mystery Science Theater 3000 – This show ran from 1988-99. The dialog in this program was a masterpiece. A person has to be very knowledgeable to keep up with everything that is being poked fun at in this series. I had no idea so many terrible science fiction movies there were until I started watching this show..and there are a lot!

6. The Twilight Zone – The Twilight Zone from 1959-64 is a classic that is no doubt on everyone’s list (maybe not Top 10). Rod Sterling’s voice is forever linked to this series. The wide variety of story-lines in this show makes it a must watch even for those not interested in science fiction shows.

7. Children of Dune (New) – Ok, so technically this was a mini-series in 2003, but it was still on TV, so I chose to put it on this list. When it was first rumored and all the way up to it’s airing I thought they would completely butcher this series and I was pleasantly surprised to see they did an excellent job. I would say for anyone that has not seen this mini-series to find a way to watch it. The sound track alone is worth it in some respects.

8. Logan’s Run – This show ran during 1979 and was a actually a scary picture of what our future could possibly turn out to be. Up until you turn 30 on Logan’s Run everything is terrific and then..”that’s all she wrote”, they kill you!

9. The Thunderbirds – This show ran from 1965-66. I actually find this to be the weirdest of them all. The marionettes are kind of creepy to me, but I thought if for nothing else than being unique it should be on my list.

10. Red Dwarf – This is a BBC program that ran from 1988-99. I think this show is as much of a comedy as it is a science fiction show and that is actually one of the reasons I have it listed. It used to come on PBS so if you get a chance check it out.

These are my picks and while some of them may not be strictly science fiction they are at least close, but I will leave that up to you to decide.

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