BP Oil Well is Declared Dead

September 21, 2010 § 1 Comment

According to Retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the federal government’s point man on the blown-out oil well disaster, BP’s well “is effectively dead” and poses no further threat to the Gulf. Allen said a pressure test to ensure the cement plug would hold was completed at 5:54 a.m. CDT (10:54 GMT) on September 19th.

Now the environmental impact of the disaster can be focused on exclusively and steps can begin in earnest to clean and rehabilitate ecosystems both terrestrial and aquatic. Over the past month or so some scientists have claimed that the effects of the oil are minimal and they have had some success in convincing people that the problem is basically over. It is absurd to believe that the environment suffered such minuscule amounts as some are insisting. Long term ecological damage has been done and we need to do everything we can to support clean up efforts in marshlands and coastal waters. The symbiotic nature of life has been dramatically changed in the Gulf Region and we need to remain steadfast against those that would have us believe otherwise.

Further Reading:

The Wicked Well is Dead, Complete Gulf Restoration Pledged
UGA Department of Marine Sciences – Gulf Oil Blog

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